
Chadron State College delivers experiences that foster knowledgeable and engaged leaders and citizens to enrich the High Plains region and beyond.


夏德龙州2030, 学院收集的战略计划, 包括主学术计划, 校园总体规划, 和Next Horizon, the Chadron State 基金会’s comprehensive campaign.

2019-23年地图-人, 目的, 和地方-建立在它的前身, 2014-18年地图, 也是“夏德龙州立大学2030”的核心.

The 2014-18 MAP reaffirmed the Essential Studies Program (ESP) philosophy and the Graduate Studies Program purpose and deliberately advanced selected 2011-14 Intentional Initiatives. The purpose of 2014-2018 MAP also included efforts to differentiate CSC, reduce the possibility of drifting from one initiative to another, 通过共同的理解来改善沟通, 推进全校资源整合, and incorporate a practical and flexible plan that responds to emerging opportunities and challenges.

The 2014-2018 MAP made noteworthy progress on achieving the purposes. The 开发ment and implementation of the MAP leveraged the preparation for the 2017 HLC Comprehensive Evaluation that CSC began in the Summer 2013. The fruits of this are illustrated in the HLC Peer Review Team report: “Chadron has good reason to be proud of its success in meeting the difficult task of making what is often thought of as a sterile planning a thing of the past and in its ability to make a plan implementation a responsibility that is enthusiastically embraced by all on campus." CSC addressed two suggestions within the 2007 HLC 访问ing Team report: creation of a Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and improvement of campus communication.

The 2014-18 MAP consisted of six priorities: 1) implement and improve the Essential Studies Program (ESP), 2)定义, 开发, and promote co-curricular experiences that foster student engagement, 3) 创建 and implement a strategic vision for teaching and learning technologies (TLT) – the Library Learning Commons (LLC) and TLC, 4)评估整个校园的招聘流程, 保留, 建议和推荐一个计划, 5)研究, 创建, and implement a strategic vision for the Graduate Studies Program, and 6) evaluate campus-wide processes for 教师 and staff recruitment and 保留 as well as recommend a plan. Each of the priorities underpin the advancement of a community of learners, orchestration of learner-centered environments through high-impact practices (writing across the curriculum; internships; study abroad/away) and commitment to a learning organization; the value of a student-centered approach is significantly reduced unless students, 教师, 员工们一起学习.

The 2014-18 MAP made significant strides in the alignment of efforts. This is illustrated in an intentional planning that relates to the day-to-day activities with 教师 and staff goals. 在2018年, 93% of full-time 教师 and 96% of Academic Affairs professional staff have pursued a MAP priority. 内阁一贯支持MAP的优先事项. 关于委员会, 86% of CSC Campus-wide committees and 62% of CSC 总统 committees identify a MAP priority as part of the committee work. 作为一个学习型组织, we strove to intentionally better align what we say we do with what we actually do.

2016年夏天, preparation for the 2017 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Comprehensive Evaluation, CSC identified recruitment and 保留 as areas to improve. While Priority 4 of the MAP focuses on recruitment and 保留, 这些领域的挑战已经加速. Beginning in July 2017 Academic Affairs and Student Affairs/Services collaborated to 开发 a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP). A SEMP Committee was 创建d during the fall 2017 semester that ultimately resulted in four core components and sub-committees: Recruitment, 入职(一年级学生), 保留, 和完成. The efforts of the subcommittees seek to achieve MAP 1, 2, 4, and 5. The vast majority of projects within MAP 3 have been achieved.

The 2018-2023 SEMP serves as an avenue to focus our efforts, 以2014-18年MAP合作成果为基础, and improve the recruitment and 保留 efforts to another level in a rapidly changing higher education environment. SEMP will be woven into the 2019-23 MAP along with 总统 Outreach efforts.

The Next Horizon Campaign and 2012-2022 Campus Facilities Plan support the 2019-2023 MAP. The 2022-2032 Campus Facilities Plan will initiate planning in early 2020. 与2011年愿景保持一致, the Chadron State 基金会 began its first ever multi-year, 数百万美元的竞选. The Vision 2011 campaign established a goal of raising $11 million for building projects, 项目支持和奖学金. By 2011 the campaign surpassed $17 million in support to CSC.

The Next Horizon Campaign began in 2015 with a $35-$40 million goal. Major initiatives include supporting the Sports Complex and Math Science capital projects and growing the endowment by $10-$15 million. The Sports Complex funding goals have been completed and Math Science capital is nearing the finish line. As of 2018 assets of the 基金会 exceeded $25 million. Program support and scholarships are the primary focus for the next 5-7 years.